
Computers & Technology



Currently Android, and Android based operating systems such as ChromeOS 'Chrome Books' are not supported and cannot connect to the school network. Please do not purchase this type of device, even if the vendor/retailer recommends it.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Bring Your Own Device 'BYOD'​

Bundaberg North State High School is a BYOD School meaning students are expected to bring their own device for school, ensuring it meets the minimum specifications set out below.​​

Windows​ Minimum Requirements

Operating System
​Windows 11 Home or Pro
Battery Life
​6 Hours
Screen Size
​​12" (Inch)
RAM 'Memory'
​Dual Core Intel or AMD
​5 (802.11AC – 5Ghz)​

Windows 'S' mode is not supported but can be removed, click this Windows S mode link and follow the steps to remove it from your device.

Apple Minimum Requirements
Operating System
MacOS 14, iPadOS 17
​Apple Silicon
Supported Models
​iPad, iPad Air, iPad Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro
If your child does, or intends in the future to take part in classes involving media, arts, graphics or computer aided design 'CAD' please consider purchasing a device with the specifications below or better to ensure a good experience using our more intensive software suites such as Autodesk & Adobe.

Media, Arts, Graphics & CAD Recommended
1TB (1000GB)​
Screen Size
​14" (Inch)
RAM 'Memory'​​
​Quad Core Intel or AMD
Participation in the school's BYOD program is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in the Digital Technologies and BYOxLink Acceptable use Agreement​​ document.

Families that are unable to provide a device for their child are requested to make an appointment with either the Principal or Junior School Deputy Principal to discuss options.​​

Connecting 'Onboarding' Your Device

Connecting to the school's Wi-Fi network 'EQNET' is the next step after purchasing a device and can be accomplished by onboarding your child's compatible device with our mobile device management system BYOxLink / Intune. The onboarding process should be completed at home, and must be done after completing the below steps.

  • ​​​Initial Setup: complete the initial setup steps for the device after powering it on, this includes signing in with a personal Microsoft or Apple account.
  • Permissions: ensure your child's account is set as an administrator on the device.
  • Time, Date & Region: ensure the time, date and region are correctly set.
  • ​Updates: all operating system updates must be complete.
  • Email & Password: your child must have their school email and password ready, please have them ask a teacher for assistance if they don't know theirs.

Once you have completed the above preparation, please follow the video guide below applicable to your device type to onboard.

Intune – Windows 11 enrolm​​​ent video

Intune – MacOS enrolment video​

If you have trouble completing the onboarding process at home, please have your child ask a teacher for assistance.

​Microsoft 365 'Office' Apps

All students can access the M​icrosoft 365 suite of online 'cloud' services and apps such as OneDrive, Outlook, OneNote, Teams, Word and more through their device web browser usually Edge or Safari. Most features of these apps are now available through the web browser.

​Students also have access to the Microsoft 'Office' 365 desktop applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and more. Most Windows 11 devices have these pre-installed out of the box, otherwise students ​​​​can download the apps by navigating to '​​​​', signing in with their school account and clicking "install and more" in the top right of the home page.

A video guide can be found below on how to complete this process, the design and layout in the video may be different to your device but the process should be similar

Microsoft 365 'Office' - App Installation Guide

Once the apps are installed, if prompted, sign in with your school account when you first start the apps to license them. The apps will remain licensed on the device as long as the student's state school account remains active.​​​

Last reviewed 12 March 2025
Last updated 12 March 2025