
School council


​​​​School Council

Bundaberg North State High School is an Independent Public School.

All Independent Public schools are required to establish a school council.

School councils enable greater involvement of the school community and other stakeholders, such as industry, in setting the strategic direction for the school.

The school council must perform its role in accordance with legislation and in a way that achieves the best learning outcomes for the school's students.

The school council:

  • monitors the school's strategic direction
  • approves plans, policies and other strategic school documents including the annual estimate of revenue and expenditure
  • monitors the implementation of the plans, policies and other strategic documents
  • advises the school principal about strategic matters.

The school council membership consists of:

Official Members (automatic appointment): School Principal and School P&C President.

Elected members

Parent Members: up to 2 members

Staff members: up to 2 members

Student Members: up to 2 members, elected from Years 10,11 and 12.

Appointed Members

Appointed Members: up to 2 members appointed by the School Council.

Meet our School Council

Hayley Lerch

Within the Bundaberg North High community, I am best known as mother of 3.  My oldest child graduated in 2022 and my 2nd graduated in 2023 - both fulfilling a school captain role at North High.  I feel lucky to have 3 wonderful children who are respectful, reliable, involved and well mannered. Being aware that not all children have the same opportunities growing up, I am passionate about trying to help provide th​ese opportunities for all students.  As well as being a Mum I also juggle managing our family business and volunteer my time as catering coordinator at our church.   I previously worked for a financial institution prior to becoming a mum and took 14 years off work to focus on raising our family.

One of my main mottos is to 'Let Life be the Teacher' so encouraging and empowering our young people to explore and learn I feel is important and is something I have taught my own children. 

Having strong family values and morals in my childhood has also guided my own parenting.

You will find me passionate and committed to contribute to the strategic direction of BNSHS, to benefit the young people of Bundaberg North State High so they too can have opportunities to grow, explore and learn for a brighter future and are guided to be the best version of themselves. ​

Kate Pailthorpe

​I am driven, self-motivated and community minded both in my professional and personal life.  I am known for my calm and considered approach and also my empathy and commitment to service.  I don't shy away from challenging the status quo and embrace challenging and difficult discussions and decision-making in the quest for continual improvement.  Once direction is in motion, I am action oriented both independently and as part of team.  I look forward to contributing strategic direction for Bundaberg North State High School and seeing tangible positive outcomes for the entire North High community.

Corey Pitt

After years of senior media positions based in Canberra, including being the national head of sales for WIN Television and head of regional sales for Southern Cross Austereo, Mr Pitt moved back home to Bundaberg in 2019.

As general manager of Hitz939 and 4BU, owned by the Australian Radio Network (ARN), Mr Pitt has not also been promoted as the area lead for ARN's Central Queensland radio stations in Rockhampton and Gladstone.

His previous leadership experience included close working partnerships with various National Rugby League teams, such as the North Queensland Cowboys, the Canberra Raiders, and the St George Illawarra Dragons.

Further to these close working relationships, Mr Pitt has held various national and regional board roles.  

Geoff Augustis

Geoff Augutis is cofounder and CEO of Queensland Computers.  Among his professional duties he is the regional chair of the Australian Computing Society, a PHD candidate conducting research on tech in schools and a board member for a number of  local organisations and universities.  Geoff is passionate about helping young people to enter the IT industry and advocating for the human components of technology. ​

Kathy Foley

A proud Bundaberg local, Kathy Foley brings a wealth of experience, leadership, and community dedication to the Parent Council Board. With 28 years in the real estate industry, Kathy has built a reputation for her strong negotiation skills, honest communication, and commitment to achieving the best outcomes for her clients.

Starting her career as a receptionist, Kathy quickly found her passion in property management, earning multiple state and national accolades for her expertise. Over the years, she expanded her focus to sales and auctioneering, becoming a licensed Property Auctioneer in 2014. Her deep knowledge of the Bundaberg region and extensive professional experience make her a valuable asset to the school community.

Beyond real estate, Kathy is deeply involved in local sports. She is a life member of Brothers Social Touch Football Association Inc., having served as treasurer for the past 12 years. She is also an accredited gymnastics coach with intermediate qualifications in both men's and women's artistic gymnastics, finding great joy in helping athletes of all ages achieve their goals.

As a member of the Parent Council Board, Kathy is dedicated to supporting the school's vision and ensuring the best possible opportunities for students and families. She looks forward to contributing her skills, leadership, and local insight to enhance the school environment for future generations.

Irene Duncan

I am a Senior Experienced Teacher, working at Bundaberg North State High School as a Mathematics and Science teacher since 2016. In addition to working within a traditional high school setting, I also have experience within a Distance Education School, focusing on Vocational Education and Training. I come to the table with my knowledge and expertise within the school community, and look forward to working with and contributing to the school's strategic direction. 

Shelly Hansen 

I am currently the President of the Bundaberg North State High School P&C Association (in my 9th year). I have served on a P&C Committee for 20 years in various schools. I was elected as P&C's Qld Board Director in 2019 until 2023 and enjoyed the experience to support the 1300+ School P&Cs across Qld. I've supported the Central Queensland area and North Coast area at P&C network meetings in Emerald, Gladstone & Bundaberg along with attendance at many P&Cs Qld State Conferences where I have represented 5 different regional state school P&Cs. I have enjoyed volunteering in various schools in the tuckshop, uniform shop and at fundraising events. I've held various Executive Committee roles during my time. I have been involved with Benaraby State School P&C, Gatton State School P&C, Mt Sylvia State School P&C, Lockyer Valley State High School P&C, Bundaberg North State School P&C and Bundaberg North State High School P&C. I have written and won grants from $2,000 to $35,000 (totalling over $185,000) from various sources including one grant to remodel the tuckshop to double its size. The tuckshop convenor and students were very happy with the impressive new tuckshop at Bundaberg North High.

My passion is for governance and strategic planning. With the help of my executive committee and our school leaders, we have implemented and since amended Bundaberg North High P&C's first ever strategic plan. Our P&C have implemented the "Just Do One Thing" letter to our parents and have had a good response with many new parents coming on board in various ways to help out and volunteer their time to utilise their skills accordingly.

I hold a Diploma in Project Management, a Diploma in Business (Frontline Management), Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. I also currently work full-time as a Teacher at TAFE Qld, Bundaberg. I  have over 30 years' experience working in office administration as an Executive Assistant, Secretary, Administration Officer and Client Services Assistant. These roles require me to maintain strict confidentiality and a professional demeanour.

I am a passionate Mum of two, they both went to Bundy North High and had positive experiences whilst at school. I enjoy hard work and getting in and having a go, no job is too big or too small. I believe every child has the right to an excellent education and I want to ensure it happens for every child at Bundaberg North State High School. 

Niklas Rasmussen

My name is Niklas Rasmussen, and I am one of the student representatives of the school council for 2025. My role within the council is to provide perspective from a student point-of-view and collect feedback from fellow students, which I then collate and share with the school council to frame the strategic direction of the school.

Students are the biggest group of stakeholders in a school, and in education systems. It is important that students are involved in making decisions that affect them, and that decision-makers consider student needs, wants and perspectives when making decisions about the strategic direction.

In conjunction with this, I am also the 2025 School Captain for Bundaberg North SHS. This means I am one of the chairpersons of the student council, alongside my co-captain, Zahlia W. Our purpose is to be a voice for our peers and to represent the student body. We also onboard student feedback on how to improve the school, and organise events such as non-uniform days, trivia night, and many more.

The combination of these two roles allows for me to be a strong link of communication between the student body, student council and the administration of the school, such as the principal. 

Craig Martin

I am the current principal of Bundaberg North SHS. I have held previous principal roles at Bundaberg SHS, Rosedale SS, Bundaberg East SS and Moore Park Beach SS. Prior to that I held Deputy Principal positions at Isis District, Gin Gin SHS and Kepnock SHS. I have worked at all of the High Schools in the Bundaberg District and feel that I have developed a wealth of experience across a range of schools. I understand that positive leadership of a school supports positive widespread community outcomes.

I started teaching in Central Queensland in Clermont where I met my wife and we moved to the Bundaberg area in 1994. We have remained in the area since then, raising our family and committing to our careers in education.

I am a proud advocate of education, knowing the difference it can make to a young person's life. I understand that it can have a major impact on a family's perspective. With this in mind I encourage young people to develop a breadth of experience which hopefully lead to a fulfilling and healthy life.

Personally, I have been heavily involved in sport for most of my life, playing and coaching. Some of the accomplishments of which I am most proud are coaching future Olympians, some of whom won gold in the 2004 Olympics. I am still involved, currently as Chair of QLD Representative School Sport Hockey.

I have a background in cattle, with family ownership of a number of cattle properties. I envisage that after my career in education I will return to that industry and hopefully contribute with my experience, developed over 35 plus years in education. I also enjoy fishing and look to further that pursuit in the coming years.

I taught at Bundaberg North SHS from 1995 to 2005 and know what a wonderful school “North" happens to be. I am committed to providing great opportunity for all students, academically, socially and across a range of extra curricula experiences. Relationships have been the cornerstone of my success in education and it is my expectation that these will be both positive and rewarding whilst I lead this great school. With that at the front of my commitment, I expect that the 'North Way' will be embedded deep with the Bundaberg North Fabric and expect to see great outcomes for all of our community as a result. 

Last reviewed 10 March 2025
Last updated 10 March 2025