Senior School
The Senior School at Bundaberg North State High School provides scope for our students to pursue a course of study in Academic or Vocational pathways, or a blend of both. We off a broad range of subjects in the senior school which can be accessed in the Subject Description booklets with a link to the right.
- Year 10 provides the opportunity to complete Australian Curriculum requirements whilst still investigating what they are interested in and developing skills via electives.
- Year 11 and 12 allows more choice for students as an English or Maths subject are the only two compulsory subjects, with four other subjects of their choice.
- We work closely with other Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) such as TAFE to further broaden the opportunities for our students learning. Students in year 10 through to 12 are able to complete VET courses.
We work with students in year 10 when they are selecting their senior course of study to ensure they understand the requirements for a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and which subjects contribute to this from the General, Applied and VET subjects on offer.
As a BYO device school, all senior students are required to have a device. This facilitates easy access to their class work which is often stored in OneNotes and or Q Learn. All assignments for senior students are submitted electronically via Turn It In. If families have difficulty supplying a device, they should approach the school so we can work through a viable solution.
Year 11 and 12 students are required to purchase two uniforms – the Day / Sports uniform which is worn four days a week and a Formal Uniform which is worn one day a week as well as on special occasions.

Like all secondary schools, we adhere to the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA) policies for senior schooling. This includes the adjustments and allowances made for students around their assessment. If a student requires ongoing adjustments the HOSES / GO / DP will work with the student and their family to submit a year long Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustment application. If a student requires short term adjustments eg broken bone, short term illness, an Extension AARA form should be completed as soon as possible.
Preparation for Post Compulsory Phase of Learning
To prepare students for the post-compulsory phase of learning, which commences at the end of Year 10 or when the student turns 16 years old, we work with the year 10 students from early in the year to assist them in their investigation of future pathways.
Across Semester 1 of year 10, students are broadening their understanding of the world of work and the opportunities available to them both locally and more broadly. They also investigate their strengths and areas of interest in order to ascertain requirements for education and training in these fields. This leads to their opportunity to undertake Work Experience in early Term 3.
Mid-term 3 we also host our Subject Selection Evening, scheduled this year on Tuesday 30 July at 6pm at the school hall. This evening is an opportunity for students and parents/carers to learn more about subjects being offered at Bundaberg North SHS, as well as senior schooling processes and pathways, including Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). The event also features other training organisations (such as TAFE), as well as apprenticeship and traineeship services. This means that even students considering a pathway out of schooling after Year 10 should attend.
Once the students have gathered information on possible pathways, students will work in their RAS classes on their SET (Senior Education and Training) Plan. Each Year 10 student is required to complete a SET interview and plan. The purpose of the SET interview and plan is to help students make good decisions about their learning pathways for Years 11 and 12, and ensure they base their subject choices on their abilities, interests and clearly articulated goals.
It is important for parents and carers to be part of the SET planning process, to support their student/s as they make decisions impacting their future. Parents and carers are invited to the SET plan interview in term 3 with dates to be published early Term 3.
Students will be allocated a Coach who will conduct their SET Plan Interview and then meet with the student two or three times across each of the senior years to assist the student make their way successfully through Year 11 and 12.
This is an exciting time for Year 10 students as they start to consider their senior pathway and future careers. It is important for them to participate in all aspects of this process and have a good understanding of pathways and subjects. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
The 2025 Senior Subject Selection Booklet is now available to assist students with the above process.
our year 10s are making some important decisions about their future careers.
SET-P lessons that occur every Tuesday are designed to help students with this
future planning. Despite this advice, a number of students are still uncertain
about what future pathway will suit them. For 14 and 15 year olds, this is
quite normal. Below are a number of websites that have lots of current
information, career quizzes etc, that parents and students may find useful in
helping them towards making good career decisions. Please see the Guidance
Officer if you wish to receive individual career advice.
To view My Future – My Career Profile
To view Job Outlook – Career Quiz
To view Career One – Career Advice
To view What career is right for me
TAFE QLD – Careers and TAFE