
English and LOTE



The study of English provides students with opportunities to develop:

  • a sense of cultural heritage and a grasp of factors that, in different cultures and at different times, cause particular texts, genres/text types and authors to be valued;
  • the skills, through focused study, that enable them to control and experiment with a range of language systems and associated genres and technologies;
  • an awareness of how their personal attitudes and beliefs relate to those operating within their culture;
  • an understanding of how texts reproduce, negotiate or challenge ways of thinking and being that are available in a culture at particular times, and why readers, viewers, listeners may make different readings from a text.

The study of English develops and enhances students’ abilities to conceptualise, imagine, appreciate, reflect, make decisions, hypothesise, speculate, experiment, analyse and evaluate in order to enhance their ability to think, use language, and make meaning.

Texts chosen represent a breadth of experiences, identities and cultural assumptions, and explore a range of social issues and ideas. Students engage with a wide variety of literary, mass media and everyday texts that are drawn from a range of times, places, genres, modes and media.

Teaching methods are based on productive pedagogies and are complemented by literacy development/enhancement practices in the “Stepping Out” program.

English Subjects Studied:

Junior English

The school is involved in implementing the new 1-10 English Syllabus and students work in Levels 3 to 6.

Year 8 – 9 English (Based on their literacy ability, students will study a level of English that best caters for their needs. The course aims to give students the opportunity to achieve Level 6 outcomes by the end of Year 9.)

Year 10 English (Students choose units of study from a range of Core and Extension electives. Year 10 is a transition year where students experience exposure to some Senior English content, concepts and skills.)

Senior English

The school is implementing the 2002 Senior English Syllabus (an Authority subject) and the 2004 English Communication Study Area Specification (an Authority-Registered subject).

Year 11 – 12 English (The course is based on the principles of continuity, increasing complexity of challenge, increasing independence and accommodation of cultural, social and individual differences.)

Year 11 – 12 English Communication (This course offers students opportunities, within the contexts of work, community and leisure, to use language to perform tasks, use technology, express identity, and interact in groups, organisations and the community.)

L.O.T.E. (Languages Other Than English)

We offer the study of one foreign language:


The study of a LOTE offers a window to the world. It encourages the breaking down of cultural barriers and the growth of greater tolerance for people whose mother-tongue is the target language. 

We offer LOTE in year 7 and year 8.

Last reviewed 10 July 2019
Last updated 10 July 2019